2019, We’re Ready for You

We’re always looking for ways to improve our office, and the start of a new year is the perfect time to hit the reset button and make it all a reality. Without goals, life is left to happenstance and that’s just not the way we roll. Our goal for 2019 is to be the most amazing orthodontic office in the area for our patients. That means learning more about our industry, applying new technology when we can, being involved in our community, and listening to all of your feedback.

Outside of work, we plan on spending more time reflecting on the good things in life, which we’ve found are often the little, everyday things that we so easily take for granted. We also want to make spending time with family and friends a priority. Patience is a virtue we will certainly be working on and we think everyone could use a little check-in on the self-centered department from time to time. We’re only human!

Dr. Coats is adding a vacation to the Orient Express through the European countryside to his 2019 bucket list. He’s also looking forward to watching old Christmas shows with his kids (you can see them cozying up last year in preparation in the photo above) and attending the Candlelight Christmas Eve church service.

If you’re coming into the office this month, we’d love to hear about your goals for the new year and your holiday plans! We hope 2019 brings you success, love, and happiness. Happy Holidays!